Build extension points

Build extension points #

All file references below are relative to the repo root. The root is identified by the presence of global.json file.

/eng/Versions.props: a single file listing packages versions and used tools #

The file should be used as a single point of package versions for all NuGet packages used in the repository and for an opt-out for tools or features, like suck.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>




The toolset also defines default versions for various tools and dependencies. These defaults can be overridden in the Versions.props file.
For more information about tools or for a list of UsingTool{Tool} properties and default versions, please refer to Built-in tools.

/eng/stylecop.json #

The default path where place the configuration of StyleCop.Analyzers overridable by property StyleCopConfig.

If you want to show the configuration file on project folder you can set ShowStyleCopConfig to true.