Well-known properties. #
MsBullet SDK provides a set of predefined properties that store information about the project in the MSBuild context. These properties are evaluated in the same manner as other MSBuild properties. For example, to use the RepoRoot
property, you type $(RepoRoot)
MsBullet SDK uses the values in the following table to predefine reserved and well-known properties. Reserved properties cannot be overridden, and most well-known properties shouldn’t be overridden except in advanced scenarios.
For all other variables mentioned that are not in the table above, you can find more information in the official documentation.
Property | Description | Default value | Overridable | Note |
Configuration |
Specify the current project configuration. | Debug |
✔️️ | |
Platform |
Specify the current project platform. | AnyCPU |
✔️ | |
PlatformName |
Specify the current project platform name. | $(Platform) |
✔️ | |
RepoRoot |
Identifying the root of repository. | N/A | ✔️ | Navigate up the folder tree until a global.json is found. |
ArtifactsDir |
Specify the root where build system outputs are placed. | $(RepoRoot)/artifacts/ |
❌ | |
OutDirName |
Used to specified the end folder of path where artifacts are placed | $(MSBuildProjectName) |
✔️ | |
BaseOutputPath |
Identifying folder where binary artifacts are placed | $(ArtifactsBinDir)/$(MSBuildProjectName)/ |
✔️ | |
OutputPath |
Identifying folder where artifacts are placed | When $(PlatformName) is equal to AnyCPU $(BaseOutputPath)/$(Configuration)/ , otherwise $(BaseOutputPath)/$(PlatformName)/$(Configuration)/ |
❌ | |
BaseIntermediateOutputPath |
Identifying folder where CIL artifats are placed | $(ArtifactsObjDir)/$(MSBuildProjectName)/ |
✔️ | |
IntermediateOutputPath |
Identifying folder where artifacts are placed | When $(PlatformName) is equal to AnyCPU $(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)/$(Configuration)/ , otherwise $(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)/$(PlatformName)/$(Configuration)/ |
❌ | |
UsingToolXUnit |
Used to opt-out built-in features. By default we use xUnit as test framework, that’re represents the standart de-facto. |
true | ✔️ | |
UsingToolNerdbankGitVersioning |
Used to opt-out built-in features. By default we use Nerdbank.GitVersioning as semantic versioning tool. |
true | ✔️ | |
UsingToolCoverletMsBuild |
Used to opt-out built-in features. By default we use Coverlet to collect code coverage metrics. |
true | ✔️ | |
UsingToolReportGenerator |
Used to opt-out built-in features. By default we use ReportGenerator to generate code coverage reports. |
true | ✔️ | |
UsingToolStyleCopAnalyzers |
Used to opt-out built-in features. By default we use StyleCopAnalyzers to enforce a set of style and consistency code rules. |
true | ✔️ | |
UsingToolSonarAnalyzer |
Used to opt-out built-in features. By default we use SonarSource as a well-established code quality standards. |
true | ✔️ | |
StyleCopConfig |
Used to customize the default rules of StyleCopAnalyzers through the stylecop.json . |
$(RepoRoot)/eng/stylecop.json |
✔️ | |
ShowStyleCopConfig |
Used to display the configuration file set through StyleCopConfig into the project directory on Visual Studio |
false |
✔️ | |
IsUnitTestProject |
Identifying unit test project. A project is identified as unit test project when your’s name end with:
false | ✔️ | |
IsIntegrationTestProject |
Identifying integration test project. A project is identified as integration test project when your’s name end with: .IntegrationTests |
false | ✔️ | |
IsPerformanceTestProject |
Identifying performance test project. A project is identified as performance test project when your’s name end with: .PerformanceTests |
false | ✔️ | |
IsTestProject |
Identifying test project. A project is identified as test project when it has one of that properties as true:
N/A | ❌ | |
DeployProjectOutput |
Mark a project to deploy (TODO: specify Deploy target) | true | ✔️ | |
PackageOutputPath |
Identifies where build output package will be stored. | When $(IsShippable) is equal to true $(ArtifactsShippingPackagesDir) , otherwise $(ArtifactsNonShippingPackagesDir) |
❌ | |
IsShippable |
Mark a project as shippable, a project should be shippable when your output is intended for the public. | When $(IsTestProject) is equal to true false , otherwise N/A. |
✔️ | |
PackageLicenseFile |
Identifies the license of the package | License.txt |
✔️ | That file will be added to package when $(PackageLicenseExpressionInternal) is not valorized and $(IsPackable) is equal to true |
PackageLicenseExpressionInternal |
Specifies the license to be used. | TODO | ✔️ | |
IsPackable |
Identifies the project as packable. | When $(IsTestProject) is equal to true false , otherwise N/A. |
✔️ | |
MicrosoftCodeAnalysisNetAnalyzersVersion |
Specifies the version of Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers | 6.* |
✔️ | Used only for .NET version lower then .NET 5 |
MicrosoftVisualStudioThreadingAnalyzersVersion |
16.* |
✔️ | Used only for .NET version lower then .NET 5, will be removed in the next major release. | |
DotNetRoot |
✔️ | |||
MonoTool |
mono |
✔️ | ||
RepositoryEngineeringDir |
Identifies the engineering directory of the repository. | $(RepoRoot)/eng |
❌ | |
RepositoryToolsDir |
$(RepoRoot)/.tools |
❌ | ||
VersionsPropsPath |
Specifies the path of Versions.props |
$(RepositoryEngineeringDir)Versions.props |
❌ | |
ArtifactsToolsetDir |
$(ArtifactsDir)/toolset |
❌ | ||
ArtifactsObjDir |
$(ArtifactsDir)/obj |
❌ | ||
ArtifactsBinDir |
$(ArtifactsDir)/bin |
❌ | ||
ArtifactsLogDir |
$(ArtifactsDir)/log/$(Configuration) |
❌ | ||
ArtifactsTmpDir |
$(ArtifactsDir)/tmp/$(Configuration) |
❌ | ||
ArtifactsTestResultsDir |
$(ArtifactsDir)/TestResults/$(Configuration) |
❌ | ||
ArtifactsReportDir |
$(ArtifactsTestResultsDir)/Reports |
❌ | ||
ArtifactsCoverageDir |
$(ArtifactsTestResultsDir)/Coverage |
❌ | ||
ArtifactsSymStoreDirectory |
$(ArtifactsDir)/SymStore/$(Configuration) |
❌ | ||
ArtifactsPackagesDir |
$(ArtifactsDir)/packages/$(Configuration) |
❌ | ||
ArtifactsShippingPackagesDir |
$(ArtifactsPackagesDir)/Shippable |
❌ | ||
ArtifactsNonShippingPackagesDir |
$(ArtifactsPackagesDir)/NonShippable |
❌ | ||
BuildForLiveUnitTesting |
TODO | ❌ | ||
MicrosoftNETTestSdkVersion |
Specifies the version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk | 16.* |
✔️ | Available only when $(IsTestProject) is equal to true , will be updated to 17.* in the next major release. |
TestRunnerName |
❌ | |||
ExcludeFromSourceBuild |
❌ | |||
VersionToolName |
❌ | |||
NerdbankGitVersioningVersion |
Specifies the version of Nerdbank.GitVersioning | 3.* |
✔️ | |
CoverletMSBuildVersion |
Specifies the version of Coverlet | 3.* |
✔️ | |
ReportGeneratorVersion |
Specifies the version of ReportGenerator | 5.* |
✔️ | |
XUnitVersion |
Specifies the version of xUnit | 2.* |
✔️ | Available only when $(IsTestProject) is equal to true |
XUnitAssertVersion |
Specifies the version of xUnit | $(XUnitVersion) |
✔️ | Available only when $(IsTestProject) is equal to true |
XUnitAbstractionsVersion |
Specifies the version of xUnit | $(XUnitVersion) |
✔️ | Available only when $(IsTestProject) is equal to true |
XUnitRunnerVisualStudioVersion |
Specifies the version of xUnit | 2.4.3 |
✔️ | Available only when $(IsTestProject) is equal to true |
XUnitRunnerConsoleVersion |
Specifies the version of xUnit | 2.4.1 |
✔️ | Available only when $(IsTestProject) is equal to true |
XUnitDesktopSettingsFile |
Specifies the xUnit runner configuration. | $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)xunit.runner.json |
❌ | Available only when $(IsTestProject) is equal to true |
TestRuntime |
❌ | |||
TestArchitectures |
✔️ | |||
GitRepoRoot |
Used by Nerdbank.GitVersioning to identify the .git folder |
$(RepoRoot) |
✔️ | |
GenerateCoverageReportSummary |
Specifies if produce code coverage reports summary | true |
✔️ | Available only when $(IsTestProject) is equal to true |