Single build output

Single build output #

All projects output will be placed into the artifacts folder that has structured below

├─ obj
│  └─ $(MSBuildProjectName)
│     └─ ($(Platform)|)
│        └─ $(Configuration)
├─ bin
│  └─ $(MSBuildProjectName)
│     └─ ($(Platform)|)
│        └─ $(Configuration)
├─ log
│  └─ $(Configuration)
├─ tmp
│  └─ $(Configuration)
├─ TestResults
│  └─ $(Configuration)
|     ├─ Coverage
│     │  └─ $(MSBuildProjectName)_$(TargetFramework|)_$(Platform|).(xml|html)
│     └─ Reports
│        ├─ $(MSBuildProjectName)
│        |  ├─ History
│        |  └─ Reports
|        └─ Summary
└─ packages
   └─ $(Configuration)
      ├─ Shippable
      └─ NonShippable
Directory Description
bin Build output of each project.
obj Intermediate directory for each project.
packages NuGet packages produced by all projects in the repo.
log Build binary log and other logs.
tmp Temp files generated during build.
TestResults Reports and coverage results produced by all projects in the repo.

Each directory is identified by the property, please refer to Well-known properties.